Interview With Shamarah

Exclusive Interview with Shamarah from the House of Bishop Nathanyel; Questions Asked by Naamah from the House of Deacon Asaph

Below are some of the questions answered in this interview:


  1. Tell us a little about yourself?
  2. How was The Daughters of Sarah started?
  3. How many years has The Daughters of Sarah provided support to the younger women?
  4. Who helped you fulfill your vision of The Daughters of Sarah from the ground level?
  5. How has The Daughters of Sarah grown since the beginning until now?
  6. What would you like to see in the future with The Daughters of Sarah?
  7. Lastly as our mother what message would you like to give to your daughters?

1. What was the hardest thing to overcome when you first transitioned into this righteous lifestyle ?

I was just like the rest of you ladies…it was getting out of those pants!! I gotta do what ? What sisters don’t realize at the beginning of repentance is that the wearing of pants and the unwillingness to stop wearing them is also symbolic of us not wanting to submit to the order and structure given to us by the Heavenly Father in 1 Corinthians 11. So that transition of not wearing pants and learning to submit to the headship of your lord/father/or spiritual fathers is much bigger than you think. Secondly, in all honesty I was working in retail management where the ungodly dresscode such as jeans, khakis and working on the sabbath, had become the roots of contention and struggle in my marriage.
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